Our client, who was a self employed contractor, was injured when a motor vehicle slid on ice and collided with his truck. The client suffered soft tissue injuries to his neck and back which required physical therapy. The cost of his medical care totaled only $6,300 however his injuries made it difficult for him to perform the physical aspects of his job. After filing suit on the case and filing a 93A claim (unfair and deceptive trade practices) against the insurance company of the Defendant driver, the insurance company finally offered the full $35,000 policy limits of its insured after initially offering $5,000. Our firm then filed an underinsured claim against our client’s own insurance company which refused to make any offer of settlement on the case. The matter went to Arbitration and a full hearing was conducted. After a detailed presentation and analysis of our client’s injuries and loss of earning capacity during his recovery, the Arbitrator awarded an additional $43,000 for our client for a total recover of $78,000.